Reports - Nomenclature

Report filename format (Email, SMS, APN, BPN campaign reports & all journey reports)

Note: In-app, Web message & WhatsApp reports will not have above convention
One-time download:
<Jobid>-<Mode of communication><ID><Channel><Report type><Date of request>-<Random string>.zip



Recurring download:
<Jobid>-Scheduled<Mode of communication><ID><Channel><Report type><Frequency><Date of request>-<Random string>.zip




  • Job ID - Unique ID created for every request
    • Mode of communication - Campaign or Journey
    • ID - Unique ID for the campaign/journey that the report is requested for (Applicable for single campaign/journey downloads only). In case of multiple campaigns/journeys download - this will be replaced with Multi as a keyword
    • Channel - Email/SMS/App push/Web push
    • Report type - Summary/Detailed for campaigns, Detailed summary/Custom detailed/Nodewise/Datewise for journeys
    • Frequency - Daily/Weekly/Monthly appended with the data requested (T-1, T-3, etc.)
    • Date of request - Date of requesting the report
    • Random string - an internal string to ensure data security

Email Subject line format for reports (Email, SMS, APN, BPN Campaigns and Journeys)

One-time download email subject line
One-time Download: <Campaign or Journey name>, <Filename datapoints>


e.g. One-time Download: Loyal users offer, Campaign_ID-38_Email_Summary_20221103

Recurring download email subject line
Scheduled <Frequency> Report: <Scheduler name>, <Filename datapoints>


e.g. Scheduled Daily Report: Email Summary sync, Campaign_Multi_Email_Summary_Daily_T-1_20221103



  • Campaign or Journey name - Campaign/Journey name
  • Datapoints -
    Type of export: One-time download or Recurring download
    Filename data points:
    Mode of communication - Campaign or Journey
    ID - Unique ID for the campaign/journey that the report is requested for (Applicable for single campaign/journey downloads only). In case of multiple campaigns/journeys download - this will be replaced with Multi as a keyword
    Channel - Email/SMS/App push/Web push
    Report type - Summary/Detailed for campaigns, Detailed summary/Custom detailed/Nodewise/Datewise for journeys
    Frequency - Daily/Weekly/Monthly appended with the data requested (T-1, T-3, etc.)
    Date of request - Date of requesting the report
  • Frequency - Daily/Weekly/Monthly
  • Job ID, Status & panel name will be part of the email body

Email Reports

SMS Reports

Custom Detailed Report (email)

Report Scheduler



  • By default, the summary report you download will include data from the past 7 days. You can also choose to download reports for specific time periods, such as a day, week, month, or a custom range.
  • Above note is applicable only for all IA2.0 customers
  • In accordance with our data retention policy, you can only access data from the past year for download.