Location Tracking

CEE SDK allows the user to track location using setUserLocation() method which takes context, Latitude and Longitude as parameters.



Data type of Latitude and Longitude should be double.


// Sample code for reference purpose only
Smartech.setUserLocation(19.0760, 72.8777);

GDPR Compliance

CEE believes privacy is a fundamental human right, which is why CEE SDK has optOut() method, once called will stop tracking user's events, displaying of In-App Messages and receiving push notifications sent from the panel.

Opt-Out From Tracking

To opt-out of tracking call the optOut() method by passing true value. Once you have opted out of tracking you need to explicitly opt-in, until opted in no communication will happen with the panel.


Opt-In For Tracking

To opt-in for tracking, call the optOut() method by passing false value.


Opt Tracking

To opt-out of tracking call the optTracking() method by passing false value. Once you have opted out of tracking you need to explicitly opt-in, until opted in no communication will happen with the panel. To opt-in for tracking, call the optTracking() method by passing true value.


For checking whether user has opted out of Tracking or not, we can use below method.

Smartech.hasOptedTracking(function (response) {
        console.log("status :" + response);

Opt Push Notifications

CEE SDK has optPushNotification() method to opt-in or opt-out for Push Notifications sent from the panel.
Passing false in the parameter will opt-out for Push Notifications. For opt-in pass true in the parameter.


For checking whether user has opted out of Push Notifications or not, we can use below method.

Smartech.hasOptedPushNotification(function (response) {
        console.log("status :" + response);

Opt In-App Messages

To opt-in or opt-out In-App messages sent from the panel, SDK provides optInAppMessage() method. Passing false in the parameter will opt-out for In-App messages. To opt-in again pass true in the parameter.


For checking whether user has opted out of InApp or not, we can use below method.

Smartech.hasOptedInAppMessage(function (response) {
        console.log("status :" + response);


To get the GUID which is used by CEE SDK to identify the user, you can call the getGUID() method.

		//Grab the response
	}, function(error){  